Distance between Green pin with letter A Magheraroarty and Red pin with letter B Dooniver

83.40 mi Straight Distance

159.48 mi Driving Distance

3 hours 24 mins Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Magheraroarty (Donegal) and Dooniver (Mayo) is 83.40 mi, but the driving distance is 159.48 mi.

It takes to go from Magheraroarty to Dooniver.

Driving directions from Magheraroarty to Dooniver

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 134.19 km.      Route distance: 256.61 km

Magheraroarty, Ireland

Latitude: 54.8254 // Longitude: -8.43831

Photos of Magheraroarty

Naran Beach Kilclooney Dolmen Portnoo - Sunset on Gweebara Bay Donegal excursion, Ireland Kilclooney Dolmen Kilcooney Dolmen, near Portnoo Portnoo Harbour Portnoo

Magheraroarty Weather

few clouds

Predicción: Few clouds
Temperatura: 4.2°
Humedad: 94%

Hora actual: 12:00 AM
Amanece: 08:38 AM
Anochece: 04:52 PM

Dooniver, Ireland

Latitude: 53.999 // Longitude: -9.95024

Photos of Dooniver

mb - Achill Island Rainbow - Achill Island, Co Mayo mb - Achill Island mb - A few minutes later and it looks different again! mb - Achill Island 19:52 mb - Achill Island mb - Mayo West-Irland

Dooniver Weather

broken clouds

Predicción: Broken clouds
Temperatura: 7.9°
Humedad: 77%

Hora actual: 12:00 AM
Amanece: 08:40 AM
Anochece: 05:02 PM