Distance between Green pin with letter A Ballybrophy and Red pin with letter B Ballitore

34.30 mi Straight Distance

44.50 mi Driving Distance

47 minutes Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Ballybrophy (Laois) and Ballitore (Kildare) is 34.30 mi, but the driving distance is 44.50 mi.

It takes to go from Ballybrophy to Ballitore.

Driving directions from Ballybrophy to Ballitore

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 55.19 km.      Route distance: 71.60 km

Ballybrophy, Ireland

Latitude: 52.9056 // Longitude: -7.61903

Photos of Ballybrophy

Main St. Borris In Ossory Bob the builder and company Ballybrophy Signal Box Pub & cement RR water tank The old and the new - Erris, Co.Laois Church

Ballybrophy Weather

moderate rain

Predicción: Moderate rain
Temperatura: 8.7°
Humedad: 93%

Hora actual: 02:10 PM
Amanece: 08:28 AM
Anochece: 04:15 PM

Ballitore, Ireland

Latitude: 53.0074 // Longitude: -6.81239

Photos of Ballitore

Moone High Cross Prospect House, Ballitore Moone Abbey Library Wicklow Mountains Eire, Ireland - The countryside! Post Office Castle/Mill ? Moone

Ballitore Weather

light rain

Predicción: Light rain
Temperatura: 8.2°
Humedad: 91%

Hora actual: 02:10 PM
Amanece: 08:25 AM
Anochece: 04:11 PM